Great sites

20 01 2009

In working at bluehost I’ve come across a bunch of sites that I absolutely love, and I thought I’d pass along the goodness^_^
This site makes work a lot easier.  It has all of the advantages of a radio, only it only plays the styles you like, and you can skip a song if you don’t like it.  It also has direct links to buy songs you like so you can add them to your music collection.
Any visually impaired person knows that prescription glasses can cost you an arm and a leg, especially if your eyes are a different prescription.  Even if you’re just buying the standard pair glasses can cost anywhere from $50-200 at Wal*mart.  This site is wonderful for my fellow blind ones.  Their glasses start at $8.00 a pair with $3.95 for shipping per order, whether you buy 1 or 100.  Plus, they have some really awesome frames.
For those of you considering purchasing a home, this site is wonderful.  They have some of the most detailed listing reporting of any other place I’ve seen.  Additionally their newsletters have a ton of great information about interest rates and types of house sales and such.
KSL classifieds.  Oh how I love thee! 
New fridge: Retail – $1000 KSL – $100
Used car: Dealership – $12,000.00 KSL – $1,000.00
This online chat site allows you to log into all of your msn, yahoo, aim, etc. chat programs and have them be in one global buddy list.  All the advantages of Trillian without having to install anything, so it’s great for work or school computers.


Perhaps my favorite one on this list, this blog site is entirely comprised of people’s crazy situations with stupid customers.  Hundreds of people’s accounts of their dealings with crazy customer quirks.
Great tutorial site for anything website related- from how to add video to your site to creating banners.

Porn industry seeks federal bailout

not my favorite site, but an article that had me really upset.  The porn industry asking for a bailout.  I don’t pay for porn on a voluntary basis, why should I pay for it out of my taxes?  I’m just glad it didn’t pass.  Such seriously would have been the last straw.

And that’s my list!  If anyone wants to add any that would be lovely

7 01 2009

Yoinked from Jenn who yoinked it from Loni


14 10 2008

So I have a puppy now!

Her name is Cleopatra (Cleo) and she is a Miniature Schnauzer.

More pictures coming soon!

6 07 2008

It’s funny how life sneaks up on you sometimes.
I’m feeling…mixed.

I finally have a job that I actually enjoy for the most part.  I work for bluehost, same place as Marianne and my future mother in law.  It’s all computer stuff and I am so much a minority gender-wise, but I enjoy it.   The power thrill I get when I can magically fix a customer’s problems…it’s the only reason why I still keep coming back.  I’m not fully versed in everything, but it’s nice to have a job that requires more skill than making sandwiches.  Plus, I’m making a heck of a lot more than I was with Costco.

Alan and I went and got pre-approved for a house the other day.  I tell you what, it freaks me out that I actually qualify to own a home at my age.  That’s something that’s always been such a far off ideal “I’m not old enough to be that stable, are you kidding?”  Yet it’s happening. 

It’s just one of the things that freak me out about getting married.  I’m not having any doubts about Alan, I know I’m young but I know this is the next step for me.  It’s just the idea of doing scary grownup things – financing a house and getting us both through college and starting a family – is just that, scary.  I never thought this would be me.  I never seriously dated anyone in highschool, for heaven’s sake I didn’t get my first kiss until I was almost 19, and now, less than two years later I’m engaged.  *chuckles* to top it all off I’m marrying one of my friends brothers, which is turning out to be a huge benefit, but is still very weird.

Alan and I have been engaged for 5 1/2 months now, and our wedding is two months (66 days) away.  I’m so incredibly excited, and honestly it won’t change things between us all that much.  I just want to be able to relax with him more.

I also didn’t think I would feel this lonely.  I gained a best friend who is constantly there for me, but I miss all of my old friends.  I pretty much dropped off the face of the earth into married people land, and yet it’s way hard to find friends there that Alan and I are both compatible with.  It might be easier if we were married and had kids, but now we’re in a state where it’s hard to make friends and hard to keep the ones  we have.   I miss everybody, with a few in particular.  I don’t want to lose the only thing that has kept me sane for the past few years. *Sigh*

Oh, and we took our engagement photos.
Click on events, ani and alan engagements, then enter your email address.
Any email address will do.  Let me know what you think are the best ones!

Wedding invites

21 06 2008

I need everyone’s addresses so I can send out invites.
We’re taking our engagement pictures next thursday, and we plan to send them out no less than 2 weeks after that, so let me know ASAP! 


21 06 2008

Oh…Wow… – Watch more free videos

25 03 2008

We’ve set a date!  We’re getting married on September 12th (friday) in the Mount Timpanogos Temple.  We’re planning on getting married at about 10 or so in the morning, then taking pictures, having the luncheon, and then having the reception at about 6 or so.  We’ll be sending out invitations as it gets closer.

Soo..I’m engaged!

28 02 2008

Yuppers, majorly weird and crazy, but I’m seriously engaged!
Alan is Marianne Schmidt’s older brother.
Good old Marianne on Shakespeare team.
Anyways, Alan and I had met on occasion when i would go over to Marianne’s house, but didn’t really get to know each other until Marianne’s wedding on January 5, 2008.  About a half an hour into the reception I noticed Alan had been following me around, staying within a 15ft. radius of me at all times.  Even when I tried to lose him by ducking into the bathroom when he wasn’t looking, I came out and he was faithfully waiting.  
During the dancing I noticed he was standing alone, and dragged him into the spinning circle of people, after which he asked me to dance. 

 We danced a couple of times, then the reception ended and we all cleaned up.  Alan and I were some of the last to leave.  
I helped Aubrey out to her car with Alan following close behind, and he hovered in the parking lot while Aubrey drove off.  I gave him a hug and got into my car.  I was just about to drive off when I heard a knock on my car window.  And there was Alan, looking very nervous.  In a rush he said “I know this is kinda weird and a little bit awkward but I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t at least try.  Do you wana go out with me sometime?”
“. . . Really?”
“Why not?”
I gave him my phone number and the rest is pretty much history.

We were officially dating on our second date on Jan, 10th.  Its been really weird for me as I never dated anyone in specific in highschool, so I’m glad that the awkward dating stage only lasted 5 days, as Alan proposed on Jan 15th, just 10 days after him asking me out. 
He proposed using his class ring, as everything was so sudden for both of us.  It took me two hours to say yes, with Alan stewing over it the whole time.  I wore the ring on a chain around my neck till we got something more official, but the wedding ring itself still is in the making.

And that is how it went down.  I can’t believe it happened so fast and so young, but I know its perfect for both of us.  Heck, I used to make fun of people like us all the time.  But I couldn’t be happier with it happening and am so excited!   We haven’t set a date yet (I know , I know, I’m a slacker)  but it should be in September, so there’s enough time to prepare for it.  I promise I’ll let everyone know the instant we decide!

I’m sick of this.

5 12 2007


Well it’s certainly been a long time since I’ve bothered to update this.  Unfortunately my need to rant supersedes my need to fill everyone in on my life over the past few months, so I’ll add life details later.

I’m sick and tired of games in relationships.  I don’t get them, can’t play them, and get way too stressed out by them.  I am completely confident in all but one area of my life – I can do anything, and am sure I can handle anything that comes up – except in the relationship aspect. 

I have no problem making and keeping friends.  I love people and am fairly accepting of others and their relative stages of life, but the instant any issues of “liking” come into play, on my part or theirs, I’m a complete and total mess.  I’ve done everything I can think of to combat this in myself, but nothing seems to work.  Ever since 7th grade I’ve had people close to me who play the game so effortlessly, and I can’t seem to figure out what’s going on.  I have friends who were more experienced in dating at 16 than I am now, and I just don’t get it.  I’m not a horrible catch, quite the contrary.  I know I have talents and I know I’m accomplished in a bunch of areas, so why do I have problems meeting even one guy who recognizes and appreciates it?

The guys I meet as of late fall into one of two categories – The ones who would never be interested in dating me or the ones who are only interested in how I could satisfy them, and I’m not that kind of a person.  I care too much about people and have my emotions linked too closely with physicality to be a one night stand type of girl.  I just can’t shake that, no matter how much I’ve wanted to, especially now that my restrictions are all personally, rather than externally enforced.

The only guy I came close to dating essentially used me and pushed me beyond my limits till he was satisfied, and then I didn’t hear from him for a week.  When I was finally able to talk to him he kicked me to the curb with a smile and a “lets just be friends” and such has only heightened my insecurities. 

And now a similar circumstance has come up and I’m just waiting.  Hoping he won’t do the same, but preparing myself for another let down.  Another bit of abuse by someone I called a friend.  And if the same does happen I’m not sure how I’m going to deal with it.  I’m trying so hard to do my best.  To trust someone with the ability to break my heart, hoping that someone can prove to me that people are as kind, decent, and amazing as I’ve always believed they are. 

I’m not asking for much.  I’m not even asking for a relationship.  I’m just asking that he talks to me.  If it’s a Nicmo, ok.  Fine.  I can deal with that and be perfectly happy, with no negative feelings and no baggage on either side.  I can be whatever he wants me to be.  But I can’t stand another week with no word.  Another week of silence, and another week that makes me question myself and who I am in a way that nothing else can.  I didn’t deserve it the first time and I certainly don’t deserve it now.


28 08 2007

And now, to prove I moved out…

568 W. 1428 S. 
Orem, Ut 84058

Feel free to come visit me!